Care We Provide

Therapeutic Partnership


We have found the most success with patients who commit to working with our team on their health for the next six months to a year. This allows time to restore function, improve health, and ultimately vitality. Functional Medicine is a process and a partnership. We want you to become the healthiest version of yourself.

We recognize that each patient is different and requires a personalized treatment plan

These are the steps that you will move through on your journey to health with MFMC:

  1. Supporting Health- is where you commit to creating change and develop a partnership with our practitioners. We begin to address key lifestyle changes that will support you throughout your healing journey and develop skills that will last a lifetime. Typically a 2-4 week process.
  2. Finding Relief- addresses the initial barriers to health and wellness and brings about some palliative care. These are usually addressed with lifestyle changes and supplementation remedies. Typically a 3-6 week process.
  3. Root Cause- is where our practitioners dig deeper to uncover the root issue or issues contributing to your symptoms. Typically a 3-6 month process.
  4. Fine Tuning- is a dividing point on the way to wellness. If you are doing much better, you may only need minor adjustments. If you are still facing challenges, you may need additional testing to uncover root issues. Typically a 1-3 month process.
  5. Maintaining Health- is the ultimate goal on the way to wellness and joy. Few interventions are needed, because you have learned to incorporate good self-care into your life. A key component in this pillar is education on being connected to your body; knowing how to identify and respond quickly to any issue that comes up before it becomes a bigger problem. Experience for life!