Why Functional Medicine Works


This is for the patient who knows they are ready to make changes! 

We designed our clinic to be a place for patients to come to receive a level of care they are not used to experiencing anywhere else. Modern Functional Medicine Center’s mission is to revolutionize health care one patient at a time. We design health plans that are personalized based on advanced lab testing to correct the imbalances that are causing your symptoms. 

smiling woman on computer



  • 8 appointments with your doctor so we really get to know you - We see you every 14 days to keep you on track with your Personalized Wellness Plan. You will see your licensed Functional Medicine physician, not a health coach.
  • Unlimited messaging directly with your doctor on your Well World app to keep you connected and supported.
  • A Personalized health plan that is focused on optimizing your nutrition, sleep, lifestyle, and movement.
  • Access to the most cutting edge diagnostic lab tests with direct lab pricing discount.
  • Virtual visits to optimize your time and make everything as convenient as possible. 
  • Convenient online scheduling to fit into your busy schedule.
  • 10% discount membership rate off all supplements at our online store
  • CGM (continuous glucose monitor) if indicated
  • Prescription Medication if indicated 

This plan is ideal for those suffering with complex chronic symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, cardiometabolic symptoms (high cholesterol, diabetes), neuroinflammation (anxiety, depression, ADHD), autoimmune diseases (IBD, RA, MS, Psoriasis), mold, heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, allergies, acne, dementia and cognitive decline.

We know that true healing is possible and comes from getting the body back into balance and giving it the proper nutrition it needs to thrive at an optimal level.

You are unique. Your healthcare should be too.

Book an Appointment Today!